The point of this is not self improvement, at least not intentionally. The point is accomplishment, a new task/experience each and every day of 2011. I want to be able to say at the end of this new year, that i tried at least 365 new things. Fingers crossed it can happen!!
In the interest of keeping me honest, however, there are a few rules:
- I have to do one a day
- I have to do it for 365 days. End date: December 31st, 2011
- I cannot have ever done it before
- I cannot do the same type of new thing 2 days in a row. Example: I cannot go to new restaurants or try a new recipe 2 days in a row and have them both count.*
- I cannot do the same type of new thing more than 3 times per calendar week.*
By blogging everything, I hope to add some sort of accountability to this - something to answer to and you, dear reader, need to call me out if I lapse.
So, in the interest of starting this off right, new thing #1: Starting my One a Day blog and making this happen.
Until tomorrow,
*There will be exceptions to this. For instance, the first week back in classes for spring semester, I will be blogging about each new class so there will probably be four or five in a row of the same type. But I will try to keep the exceptions few and far between!
Awesome! I'll be reading...